Special Educational Channel for Exceptional Students Launched

The head of the Exceptional Education Organization announced the launch of a special educational channel for exceptional students with 824 sub-channels on the Shad network.

Seyed Javad Hosseini described the features of this channel and its sub-categories as full coverage of the courses of five pre-school, elementary, first secondary, first pre-vocational and second secondary vocational courses.

He added: "Soon, standard educational contents that have been prepared with the help of national provinces for students with mental disabilities, hearing impairment, visual impairment, physical mobility problems and autism, and special contents for learning centers for the diabled, educational contents, rehabilitation, counseling and Sanitation will be put to use in these channels.

 “116 channels for preschool, 276 channels for elementary students, 127 channels for junior high school, 99 channels for junior high vocational high school, 180 channels for vocational junior high school and 26 channels for learning problems and educational content, rehabilitation, counseling and health have been created so far.”



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