Beginning of Online Sale of textbooks

Hossain Taleei Zavareh said: Elementary students from the 2nd grade to 6th grade and pre-university students may purchase their textbooks from Farvardin 19th (Apr 08.2017) from, reports Public Relations of the Ministry of Education.

Students can get a reference code by entering their national ID number or their student’s code, added he. 1st grade elementary students can buy their books from this site, after signing up in schools and registering relevant data in sign up website.

Exceptional talents students and technical schools students can buy their books from this site from Tir 1396 (Jul 2017), said Support and Resource Development Deputy.

He also announced 7% increase of textbooks price and added: Ordering and purchasing books online and removing intermediate dealers are actions taken to prevent increase of price and this 7% increase is even less than the inflation rate.

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