
From top to bottom of reviewing 3499 books to 11 selected works in the 18th Roshd Book Festival

The secretary of the 18th Roshd Book Festival explained the process of holding this period of the festival and stated the strengths, reviewable points and necessary strategies to improve the quality of the future festival. According to the report of Public Relations and International Affairs of the Educational Research and Planning Organization, the 18th Roshd Book Festival ended its work this morning, January 12, at the Dar al-Fonun historical school with the presence of Mohsen Haji Mirzaei, Minister of Education.

When neuroscience meets Artificial Intelligence: What does the future of learning look like?

Meet Dr. Nandini Chatterjee Singh, a cognitive neuroscientist at UNESCO MGIEP (Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development) where she has been leading the development of a new framework for socio-emotional learning. MGIEP focuses on mainstreaming socio-emotional learning in education systems and innovating digital pedagogies. Dr. Singh answered five questions on the convergence of neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence in learning.

The new school year will start with 14 million, 7 thousand and 736 schooling students

The new school year will start with more than 14 million students who will go to schools with new hopes and their families are preparing themselves for this important event in the coming days. Although there are some  obstacles on their way that school kids can't pursue their way as they should

Leading role of the Organization for Research and Educational Planning in the production of Transformation Document subsystems

Dr Heydar Tourani spoke in a meeting with a number of foreign cultural delegates, referring to the document on the fundamental transformation and national curriculum as a roadmap for the development of textbooks

Multilingual students have improved in academic achievement since 2003

Multilingual students, who speak a language or more than one language other than English at home, have improved in reading and math achievement substantially since 2003, found a new study published in Educational Researcher by Michael J. Kieffer, associate professor of literacy education at New York University's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development.

The realization of the goals of the Transformation Document is in the coordination of all sectors of education

"According to the document these six areas are: 1. Religious and moral education 2. Political and social education  3. Biological and physical education 4. Artistic and aesthetic education 5. Professional and economic education 6. Scientific and technological education