Develop reading habit amid busy life!

As a commuter with a pile of chores waiting for you at home, may be you think that there is no time for reading books! But when there is a will, there is a way. Even in a busy life, you can stay a bonafide book reader if you believe in book reading as a must.

Iran annually celebrate National Day of Book and Book Reading in mid-November. A reminder for many of us to escape the day-to-day routine and sit back for a moment.

Life is a mix of fun, learning and work, not only overwork so you can enjoy it by a balance! Books can bring you fun and learning so don’t miss this chance and find a way to read more books! Here you can find some hints about this idea:

Put down your smartphone!

Addicted to check your smartphone all the time? You are not alone in this modern compulsion! Believe it or not it is one of the main reasons for not reading books!

Your smartphone is your constant companion at doctor's waiting room, on the bus, at the traffic light and wherever you think!

Smartphone, modern trusty factotum, provides you with short ‘informative’ messages and in this way your sense of learning is fulfilled!

But what is wrong with that? The point is social networks provide you with unnecessary information if you don’t manage your time and your apps!
You can choose the book you want and it is not limited to some sentences, you should spend time to read it and engage with it. May be that is why that it creates a world for you to enjoy it!

Life is a mix of fun, learning and work, not only overwork so you can enjoy it by a balance! Books can bring you fun and learning so don’t miss this chance and find a way to read more

Create profitable reading time!

Commuting time and waiting time provide great opportunities for you to read more books!

Always carry a book with you and then you can enjoy each and every moment in your crazy busy life.

Even when you get ready for sleep, you can allocate some minutes to read some pages of a book and in this way you can read chapters of a book you like during a week!

Don’t forget the magic of audiobook!

Audiobook is a great companion for you in traffic jams. Even as a rider, you can enjoy world of book during commuting time.

You can download some audiobook on your smartphone or tablet and play it while you are on the bus or subway heading to your work or returning home!

You can also listen to your favorite book while you are busy with your home life. It helps you to create time for reading!

E-books, a way for managing smartphones!

The emergence of electronic publishing and e-books in recent years is a way to use smartphones for developing book reading.

E-book is a solution to not let your smartphone dominate your day. It is always with you and you can open your book wherever you are and read some lines. 

They are environmentally friendly, cost effective and you always have the chance to choose from a variety of e-books.

During recent years, electronic publishing launched some apps to use on tablets and smartphones for books in Persian language.

‘Fidib’, ‘taaghche’ and ‘faraketab’ are some of these apps, which are widely used by Iranian book readers.

 “Short as life is,” make it longer by reading books

Victor Hugo said, “Short as life is, we make it shorter still by the careless waste of time”.

Books introduce you to people of all ages and all places and provide you an opportunity to witness different lives while you are leaning, turning its pages. Don’t deprive yourself from this feast!