The new school year will start with 14 million, 7 thousand and 736 schooling students

Tehran (PANA)- The Minister of education on the occasion of the beginning of the school year, said: "The new school year will start with more than 14 million students who will go to schools with new hopes and their families are preparing themselves for this important event in the coming days. Although there are some  obstacles on their way that school kids can't pursue their way as they should."

The minister said that the important goal of ministry is to have cooperation with the families of the students. Families must have dialogs with ministry people specially with teachers through the Sina app. And express their views on issues related to student's problems. Families are like partners to Education System and the students are great wealth, so if we don't take care of this wealth, it might go void. Today our children are prone to many social damages and dangers; it is our duty to make them aware of these damages. They should learn to be patient and to respect the  elders of the family and of the society as well. Sometimes families and the Education System do not coordinate with each other which causes problems. Sina Rubic can help the families and the Ministry to solve so many of problems that may become obstacles on the way of students. Actually families and the ministry people are a good team to provide ways of success for the students who are the hopes of our nation for tomorrow, with coordination.