Being researcher is a necessity for educational system

Science is not a product of memorized texts and prearranged educational packages. From the very beginning till the end of this process, it's result of research.

When we talk about priority of research over education, we talk about changing a point of view not just a change in form.

New education in the world generally and in our country particularly, requires a new understanding, a new concept to correct the process of learning based on it.

He added: This change is not an inter-section issue, but a national one, which need to be attended at all levels of decision making and need to be recognized as an effective tool in every successful program.

All the obstacles which prevent the school to be a learning place for everybody, should be removed. For producing researching students, we should make researching teachers, researching headmaster and research centered policies.

Danesh Ashtiani said: Revising the educational evaluation system and allocating credits and budget, accelerating executing processes in favor of research and erasing unnecessary bureaucracies in favor of schools are the challenges before us.

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