Book-reader app Buffet provided by School Publishing House

A book-reader application dubbed Buffet has been produced and provided by School Publishing House so that its audience can have access to electronic and audio-books, reported Public Relations and International Affairs Office at OERP.

Nowadays, anything, even reading a book without carrying it or flipping through it, can be done by a cellphone.

Of course, many believe that flipping through books and the sense of reading physical ones gives one a different impression; yet, given certain aspects of electronic and audio ones including their price, better access and their state of being more cost-effective, every reader ought to have a favorite app on his/her cellphone.

Producing Buffet, School Publishing House affiliated with Organization for Educational Research and Planning (OERP) has displayed its works. Having installed the so-called app on a cellphone or even a PC, you can read your desirable books published by the publishing house. It is to present its entire works via the new technology.

Buffet has been designed for Android, iOS and Windows operating systems and the publisher’s as well as the author’s rights have been considered.

Supported by Fidibo App and enjoying international standards and regular updates, the new app attempts to keep itself at the level of the most reputable readers.

Its specific features consists of the possibility of reading e-books without the Internet and free reading of the entire books samples prior to their purchase. Also, users will have free access to certain books, can evaluate books, buy currency from around the globe, and discuss the books in the margins of pages (group study).

Moreover, readers will be able to have access to audiobooks and enjoy particular reader settings. They can, furthermore, highlight and write annotations, change font, background color, screen brightness, font size and line spacing, as well.

Currently, 950 works published by School Publishing House including scientific, artistic, educational and fictional ones, have been converted into electronic versions. Five copies of audio books have, too, been offered by Buffet.

Those interested in installing the app can download it from Cafe Bazaar and Google Play.

The electronic and audio books are available on



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