The chief of the organization of research and educational planning

One thousand one hundred films from thirty seven countries submitted to the forty-seventh International film festival Roshd

The chief of the research and planning of education said that one thousand one hundred movies from thirty seven countries are sent to the forty-seventh Roshd international film festival secretariat.

According to the information center and public relations of the ministry of education, quoted by the province of Khorasan e Razavi Hojatoleslam Walmoslemine Mohyeddine Bahram Mohammadian, the opening ceremony of the secretariat of the 47th Roshd international film festival referred to the festival as an educational invention and said the Roshd educational film festival educational with a history of nearly 50 years, to be held this time in Mashhad on the occasion of choosing this city as the cultural capital of the Islamic world and the sacred and blessed name of Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Reza will enrich this festival or sure.

T he festival participants must have an intersectoral and interdisciplinary expertise and be expert in a field with knowledge of the film industry.

He also said that the festival is an opportunity for the ne beginners according to the fundamental transformation document of education and this is one of margins of the festivals, that in addition to the workshops, teachers will provide students an opportunity to show what they have made according to the fundamental document of education transformation.

Referring to the presence of national and foreign jury and the heads of ISESCO and the OIC at the festival he said Sunday that we managed to attract a positive international outlook onto the festival so that 1100 films from thirty seven countries have participated in the festival and we sincerely hope that cooperation and integration of governmental and provincial organizations can give us good memories of the cultural capital of the Islamic world.

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