Compilation of the textbook "Life Skills for Girls" 04.

Madraseh publication have come to the conclusion that a special book is needed for girls' life skills, especially for their teenage years. In my opinion, all people, especially adolescents, need very much to practice and learn life skills in a more practical livelier way, beause of the issue of identity crisis.

The book "Life Skills ..." has been written with the view that during the normal life of a teenage girl there can be some concerns, challenges, and issues that the book can relate to the type of thinking and skill she may face.

One of the key issues raised in this book for girls is conflishs and challenges and how to confront with various conflicts in their lives. How to deal with the fact that it is a natural requirement of adolescence, and it is necessary for every teenager, especially the girls who may be attracted to their non-Iranian and non-Islamic life.

It's a totally intuitive book. In this book, with the type of exercise that is provided and the workshop that is written, it's turned into an in-class tutorial, in addition to being good for12 to 18 years of age girls. This book is written in three volumes, and the basics of this book are entirely based on the Islamic texts.

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