Cultural Forum on Islamic Identity Planned in Tunisia

According to the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization, the Iranian Cultural Center in Tunisia will host the program.

"Islamic identity in view of Imam Khomeini (RA) and Sheikh Mohammad al-Khidr Husain” is the theme of this edition of the forum.

It will be addressed by Mohammad Asadi Movahhed, the Iranian cultural attaché in Tunisia, Mustafa Borujerdi, Iran's ambassador and a number of university lecturers.

Sheikh Mohammad al-Khidr Husain (1292-1377/1876-1958), was a great scholar of Tafsir (Quran interpretation), comparative and Maliki fiqh, and Arabic literature and the Grand Sheikh of al-Azhar.

He was born in Nfta, Tunisia to a family that fled from Algeria in the face of the French invasion.

In 1888, he moved with his family to Tunis (Tunisia's capital). Two years later he joined Jami' al-Zaytuna (the equivalent for al-Azhar in Tunisia).

In 1952, the scholar was appointed as the Grand Imam of al-Azhar. He wrote more than 20 scientific works.

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