Curriculum is threatened by those who are more Catholic than the Pope

"In the education system, undoubtedly, one of the most important pillars is the curriculum, although in spite of all the efforts, the textbooks still include a major part of the curriculum, and we are still far from complete replacement of the curriculum," Bathayi said at a ceremony. Fortunately, our educational system today is one of the most prominent systems on the international level. In the field of knowledge, we have one of the most advanced curricula in the world's educational systems. Our President said at the beginning of the school year to the students said," you are the main audience of the textbooks, and how good it is to review the books from your point of view and be textbooks critique. "


"I asked the director of the research organization to create a special team and hold a competition to critique the textbooks by the students, where the textbooks should be criticized physically and by their forms, images and contents, "Bathayi said. When the student participates in the assessment, it can be a new way of validating the textbooks. Today, a large volume of educational guide books and various methods and quizzes threaten our programs. All your activities are easily compromised through non-standard educational guide books. "

"Today we are unconsciously in a battlefield, the curriculum experts did their best to make all the creativity for the students to be flourished, but an unprofessional institution immediately comes forward with guide books to vanish all our efforts by guide books" he continued.

The Minister of Education repeated his warning this time more seriously and said: "We are strictly against recommending any kind of guide book, educational assistance and testing book to the students of elementary level, if that happens principals of the elementary schools are directly responsible. "

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