Education Provides the Infrastructure for Human Resources

He added, 'quantitatively speaking, again education is the greatest system with 13 million students, one million teachers, 750 educational districts and 105 thousand schools. In some regions schools are the only representative of the sovereignty of the state flying the flag of the Islamic Republic.

In another part of his speech, pointing to the challenges of the budget of education he added, 'the policy of partnership is a progressive one that is sometimes misconceived in the media as privatization of education.' He further added that 'the act of permanence of the law of non-governmental schools is under revision at parliament and this does not means privatization at all but it means participation of people in education.' He also pointed to the law of councils and added that an aim of the law is decentralization.

Fani also referred to the Education Fundamental Transformation Charter and said, 'it took ten years to develop the charter and the road map for it was prepared last year. The charter will be the basis of all educational programs in course of the sixth development program from 2016 through 2020.' He also announced that the implementation headquarter of the charter has started its activity in Tehran.

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