Educational guide books have overshadowed all educational goals

 Minister of Education in the Garden of the Museum of the Holy Defense, lauding the martyrs, in particular the cultural and student martyrs, at the ceremony, said: "In the eighteenth president's Mehr question, where a total of 5 million people participated, and the question was in line with the very important policy that pursues education; in other words, education strives to put the school in a position where the developmental skills and life patterns of Islam are realized more than ever. According to the Roadmap of the Ministry of Education, the school should be turned into a learning environment and students should practice their life in the school in order to increase their tolerance in life.”

The education minister stated: "In the teaching and learning portfolio, students need to develop their life skills instead of central memory concepts. To bring up the school from what it is to what it should be, we must remove barriers; barriers that do not allow us to move from the present to favorable conditions. One of these barriers is the attitude and beliefs of families.” Adding that  the need for educational guide books overshadowed all the educational goals, especially in the secondary school.

The Minister of Education also added: “This transformation may not take place in education until our political, economic and social issues are not resolved, and on the other hand, it will not be possible to have the real transformation  without the necessary incenatives and pprovisions”

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