Educational staff will create another legend in upcoming election

According to the Public Relations of the Ministry of Education, Dr. Fakhreddin Danesh Ashtiani said in the meeting of teachers from all over the country with the president: Dynamic and up-to-date education means strong community and strong community means powerful politics, economy and culture.

New education is not one impassive and silent against changes, but it is one awareness and active adaptation. Children and young people cannot run away from modern world, they should know it, live in it and still be fond of their own culture and traditions. There cannot be “inflexible school” in “ever changing world”, we need “reforming school” in ever changing world and we need creative education which means priority of instructive training over classic education, training students as responsible citizens, enable to communicate with his surroundings and the world, said Minister of Education.

Our schools must be capable of producing challenging, criticizing, committed and participating beings. They should be taught to be honest, they should learn to be optimistic not distrustful. Our ideal school is a “school of creativity”, “school of rationality”, “ school of morality” “school of life” not “school of despair”, added he.

School must be a sanctuary for students

Emphasizing that schools must be a sanctuary for students not a way out, member of “cabinet of hope and planning” continued: we have a long way to go to reach that point, the doctrine ruling our educational system has many flaws, we need renovation in our system and also, budget and credits are very important issues, too. Teachers’ livelihood is a serious subject, they should work constantly to make ends meet and that leaves them no time for retraining.

Teachers are the highest reference group in our society

Teachers are the highest reference group in our society and this position must be financially maintained, as well. Development of education is development of human resource and therefore, development of country. Education is where community has the most tangency with the government, remarked Ashtiani.

He also referred to the president’s concept of education’s role in country’s development and thus, full support of his administration and added: Teachers’ average raise is more than 100%; but of course there is still large gap between true value of our teachers and what they are being paid.

Construction of more than 5 million square meters of educational environments during four years of “administration of hope and planning”


Member of cabinet reports: More than 5 million square meters newly constructed educational environments is now available for students. There has been an increase of educational coverage on all grades and we hope we will see this process accelerated and position of teachers elevated and their economic problems solved, in 2nd “administration of hope and planning”.

I hope educational community, according to its revolutionary and historic role, would participate in upcoming presidential and city council elections and create another legend along with other Iranians.

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