EFTC to be Fulfilled in the Current Year

In a conference of secondary education officers held in Shahid Bahonar Camp in Tehran, Dr. Aliasqar Fani, minister of education announced that Education Fundamental Transformation Charter is going to be implemented in a systematic and balanced manner based on the pertaining road map in the current year, reported by Ministry of Education PR and Information Center.

He added that all educational departments are expected to plan their annual programs according to the road map of EFTC.

He pointed to the motto of the year, economy of resistance, practical steps and action, and added that this imposes new responsibilities on the administration as a whole and a duty on the ministry of education in particular to generate the culture for realizing the motto.

He also emphasized the importance of guidance of students and considered it as a complication of the current year for educational system particularly in case of ten graders.

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