Eid Nowruz (Iranian New Year’s Day)

Message of the Minister reads as follow:



I felicitate arrival of nowruz, celebration of all renovations and good deeds, and its simultaneity with blessed birthday of her holiness Zahra (may God’s praise be upon her) to all noble teachers, precious principals and all the staff of educational system and implore from God glory and greatness in new year for them.

As great prophet of Islam says “man should not deny himself benefiting nourishing breezes which blows upon him during time” and one of those times is spring time, which nourishes both nature and grows humanity and thoughts and according to Amir-ol momenin, Ali (may God’s praise be upon him) “man is a big world”, so in this renovation, he must change more and deeper than the nature.

One of the places most suitable for these changes is “school” that needs this nowruz breeze more than anywhere else, and I humbly beg you for your help to make these changes happen.

We need to make development of education a national issue,  

In which, school should be considered “a foundation for development” and teacher should find a new identity and position and student is regarded a national asset. So, I ask all active members of educational system to help this administration in nowruz renovation.

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