Farvardin 12th, the day democracy was established in Iran

Fakhreddin Danesh Ashtiani said in his interview with PANA: Islamic Republic’s day, is the day of establishment of democracy in Iran. This is a very important day for we managed to establish a Islamic Republic after a long monarchy reign.

12th of Farvardin , the day Iran said “YES” to Islamic Republic

After the victory of Islamic Revolution a referendum was held on 10th and 11th of Farvardin 1358  (Mar 30 & 31, 1979) nationwide by the invitation from Imam Khomeini and 98.2% of qualified persons voted “YES” to Islamic Republic.

The result of poll was announced on Farvardin 12th (Feb 01, 1979) and 20,288,000 (98.2% of total votes) voted for Islamic Republic and 241,000 were against it.

What was the ballot look like?

The ballot had two halves, one was in green for “YES” and the other half was in red for “NO” and this was written on it:


Temporary Government of Islamic Revolution

Ministry of Interior

Ballot of Referendum for changing previous regime to Islamic Republic whose constitution will be legislate by Iranian nation

Voters were supposed to tear the half they wanted to vote for and drop it into the vote box.

On Farvardin 12th 1358 (Feb 01, 1979), the seed of Islamic revolution which was irrigated by the blood of the best of Iranian youth bore fruit and the most important referendum throughout Iran’s history was held. It was the day, Iranians true identity was revealed and Islamic Republic which is without doubt, perspective of global Islamic reign was established.

This sacred day, this blessed day of GOD is the beginning of the real life of Islam in the era of mammonists and materialists who were separated from spirituality and divinity on this great day, Iran’s new political structure was laid on the vote of 98.2% of Iranians.

On this sacred day, a system was born which manifested the light of Islam after many centuries all over the world, a system, whose motto was “Independence, Freedom, Islamic Republic”.

This motto which was shouted by millions of Iranians during the struggle against Pahlavi monarchy, was foundation of a government that Islamic justice was one of its greatest goals. Independence is the first part of this motto and it means that Iranians want to rule their own country and destinies, as Imam Khomeini says beautifully; “if we don’t gain or independence, other things cannot be corrected”.

On Farvardin 12th 1358 (Feb 01, 1979) after establishment of Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini says in a message:

“God has promised that disempowered and oppressed will defeat tyrants with God’s help and support and will rule the earth. Promise of God is near. I hope we will witness triumph of oppressed over tyrants, as they have done so, so far.

I thank all Iranians for participating in this referendum and voting for Islamic Republic…Islamic Republic whose advance rules have preference over other ideologies and governments.

The other part of this motto is “freedom”. There are various interpretations of

‘freedom” but in Islam freedom means political-social conditions, necessary for progress of individuals as well as the whole people, without any cultural or political obstacle, unless it hurts others.

And the ultimate goal of this motto is “Islamic Republic”. Including Republic in this phrase indicates relying on people’s vote for deciding the country’s destiny.

The world “Islamic”, implies the distinction of this republic from other republics. It clarifies that divine and Quranic values rules over all aspects and also the Supreme Leader who is in charge of guidance and leadership of Nation of Islam and so Imam Khomeini says in this respect: “There is no need for a referendum, for people have already announced their votes, they have announced it with their shouts and screams (in demonstrations)”.

Exactly at this, there are diversions from hypocrites, suggesting that the new regime must be “Republic” (not Islamic Republic) or “Democratic Republic” and so on…but sensing the danger, Imam Khomeini warns people: “vote for Islamic Republic, not a letter more and not a letter less”.

Brilliant result of this referendum left no room for any doubt about the regime which was going to replace 2500 years of monarchy in Iran. Imam Khomeini says in a message for this occasion: “I, announce to the world that such referendum, in which all Iran’s nation rushed to the poles and voted for Islamic Republic and buried tyranny in the dustbin of history, is unprecedented. I appreciate and glorify this extraordinary unification, which caused the nation to answer this divine calling and vote for Islamic Republic and proved to the world their political and social growth”. 

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