The Four Face of “Evolution Plan” and Their Practical Implications

The Inner Face of Evolution

Evolution is essentially both internal and external; if we emphasize on one and forget about the other, we will have trouble, though minor, managing the evolution of education.

Evolution is a matter of change in the soul and morality before having vivid results. Therefore, it must first evolve within men and then undergo a fundamental change in outside. Our point of view, the spirit, the belief and the attitudes of a person directs the human action. The Qur'an confirms the same fact and says it is the change of the individual that creates the ground for both positive and negative changes in his fate.

My dear colleagues, if any of us does not believe in the “Guidelines for the Evolution in Educational Ministry”, there would be no change at all. I believe that we all have to come to some consensus about the evolution and agree on how we can all work together to make the guidelines happen in the education ministry.


The Outside Face of Evolution

The outside face of evolution is influenced by the factors and resources such as the coherent and accessible plan, management, organizational structure, economics, and the like. these factors should not be ignored.


We have the Evolution Plan and it is our basis but we it should be completed with a series of operational plans or, in my words, "relevant patterns”. Consider that for example, what would happen if we had everything we need to evolved just not the efficient managers? Nothing happens until the managers are willing to make a real change. So the question is, do we have efficient managers in the current situation? How many do we have?

There is no doubt that we have efficient managers here in our ministry, but are they enough? What are our operational strategies to have the required number of managers?


Or consider the organizational structure, will we be able to evolve with a flawed and violent structure of research? The recently approved structure is not evolution-friendly, and there will be no change until the structure is fixed.

Appreciating your efforts, I would like to ask you to compare the recently approved structure with the Evolution Plan. Are the two compatible? Is it possible to change with this structure? Therefore, I emphasize that this structure need reform.

To make it brief, I should conclude that the evolution will happen if we seek change both inside and outside.


The Third Face

The third aspect is the supportive aspect. The Evolution Plan and its implementation requires support and cooperation. If the relevant organizations do not come to our aid and support us, we will be left alone.

We have experienced this loneliness and lack of support several times in the history of education. Let's not forget that Technical Schools were an evolution of its time, but due to lack of support, they were gradually deviated from the main path. Why? Because they were abandoned and did not receive help and support of other organizations, employers and related institutions.

Therefore, one can conclude that changing the facts requires the coherence of the factors.


The Fourth Face

The fourth aspect of evolution is scientific. Evolution is rooted in our philosophical and intellectual foundations, and the philosophy of Islamic education is fundamental. We have to protect it and make it operational. Let's not forget that our operational plans must be developed with the help of scientific principles and methods and in accordance with the literature of our own work place.

Evolutionary sociology, psychology, policy, and education, etc., are the various sciences that will influence the transformation plan.

We need to see from which branches of science we can get help so that our evolutionary work does not become superficial. If we are going to do deep work, we have to get help from different and related educational sciences.

Let me give you an example of my work in the Organization for Educational Research and Planning. Can we develop Evolutionary Curriculum Guidelines without using the principles and methods of curriculum planning? The divine nature guides us, but they are also supported by scientific principles. Hopefully, one day our evolutionary programs in education will bear fruit.