Glorious Qur'an, priority of all governments in education

Society Group:Referring to changes of governments and authorities, Head of Organization for Educational Research and Programming said: Qur'an, being a priority of education, remains a constant fact at all times, always and regardless of changes of governments.

Hojjat-ol Islam Moheyeddin Bahram Mohammadian said in an interview with International Qur'an News Agency (IKNA): After "Reform Statement" educational programming focuses on being quranic and learning and meditating Qur'an is our natural duty.

Mohammadian also said that currently, national programming is based on Islamic education and training and that's why some do not agree with it. They claim that these are religious programs and not scientific ones which in fact means a reflection of western science.

He emphasized: Blessed "Hojjarat" sure ( a chapter of glorious Qur'an) I voted us to islamic morality. Islamic morality means that we shouldn't gossip, lie and accuse others.Qur'an insists that we shouldn't declare something unless we have full knowledge about it.

Mohammadian mentioned that education must follow the policies, outlined by Supreme Leader and should be within frame of "Reform Statement". Managerial views may alter the priorities, but Qur'an remains an educational priority in every administration.

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