The goal of the Fundamental Transformation Document is the achievement of benevolent and divine life

Dr. Mohammadian, during a meeting with the Imam of Friday prayer of Qazvin said: “Today, in education, the issue of the Fundamental Development of the educational system which is based on Islamic principles has been approved by the Supreme Leader. During these years, with all the problems of education, we have had great steps forward, and at the same time there are dangers that we face; some are planned to destroy the public education aspect and seek to undermine the credibility of education and eliminate its legitimacy. The interpretation that Supreme Leader had was that some people want to ignore education and are fed by outsiders, and their plan is highly engineered.”

He also said that non-standard educational books not only disrupt the learning process, but they aim to disrupt the Transformation Document. The goal of the document is to achieving the stages of Tayyiba life and considers the five elements of thinking, faith, science, practice and ethics. The document promotes creativity and thought, as the first element of the fifth element of the national curriculum is the promotion of thought and wisdom.

Deputy Minister of Education, referring to the prediction of 11 areas of learning in the Document on the development of education said: “The Quran and education, Persian language and literature, mathematical sciences, empirical sciences, humanities, life skills, work and technology, physical education and foreign languages ​​are among these areas. Recently, the issues of entrance examination and eliminating non-governmental tests have been raised. Some of the nonstandard guide books are damaging the National curriculum.”


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