Iran Holds Folk Music Festival in Southern Province

The 12th edition of Iran's Folk Music Festival is underway in the Southern province of Kerman to promote folk melodies from different parts of the country and also to save some of the lesser-known tunes from oblivion.

Bands from the four corners of Iran took to the stage to perform their music pieces, each using their own indigenous musical instruments.

Organizers say the event is aimed at promoting Iranian folk music. Organizers also hope that events like this will help save some of the lesser-known folk songs and tunes from oblivion.

To incoming tourists, what catches the eye here is the amazing blend of cultures and languages and of course that's when the universality of music comes into play.

Iran is a country with various ethnicities; and this has resulted in diverse cultures, traditions, costumes and of course folk music. In the 12th Iranian Folk Music Festival in the city of Kerman, the ethnic diversity was evident from the number of the local musical bands taking part in the event.


Source: Fars News Agency

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