IRIB joins ABU executive council

The 52nd ABU General Assembly and Associated Meetings was held in the Turkish city of Istanbul during which the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), winning the majority, got a membership in ABU executive council.

During the meeting, India named Iran as a nominee which was backed by members including South Korea’s KBS, Japan’s NHK, and Turkey’s TRT.

The general assembly chooses the members of the executive council for a three-year period of time.

Formed in 1964, the ABU is a non-profit, professional association of more than 275 broadcasting organizations from 68 countries with an estimated audience of about three billion people.

In another story, IRIB won two major prizes in the 2015 festival of ABU.

A statement by IRIB’s International Department said the two awards were announced on Friday in a ceremony in Istanbul.

According to Press TV, one of the prizes went to Three Fish a movie directed by Hamid Reza Ghorbani, and a production of IRIB’s Sima Film unit. The movie shows the story of a woman who is hopefully fighting a serious disease.

The other winner was a documentary entitled Saving Leopard produced in IRIB’s Lorestan provincial department. It shows the efforts of a Lorestan relief team to save the life of an injured leopard.

The body holds annual competition for radio and television programs, known as ABU Prizes, with IRIB movies and documentaries winning major awards over the past years.


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