Islamic education is patterns-based

According to the Public Relations and International Affairs of the Organization for Research and Educational Planning, Dr. Mohammadian, who spoke before the sermons of Friday prayers with referring to the verses of the Holy Qur'an stated that the first patterns of behavior in a child's life are parents' behavior, so parents should be a good model for their children. Therefore, it is recommended to parents to be responsible for the education of their children. Because our children, will not grow big as we wish, but grow as we live.

He reminded: “If we observe in our lives the lawfulness and forbiddenness, discipline and adherence to the values ​​of religion and beliefs, our children will learn to be the same. Today, we face a variety of education messages, sometimes defined values ​​in school are not pursued at home, and sometimes at home, values ​​are expressed that the school does not support them, and sometimes the school and at home something is said that is not emphasized by the mass media. We need to reconsider our methods, as a typical example, our model could be the life of Hazrat Fatimah, who was a model of good life to her children by having good acts.”


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