Minister of Education in his visit from Mashhad Radiotherapy and Oncology Center

Public Relations of Ministry of Education reports from Khorasan Razavi province: Dr. Fakhrediin Danesh Ashtiani said in his visit from Reza Radiotherapy and Oncology Center Friday evening: Health system of students and educational staff has a special position and importance and if we look after students health, quality of education will be elevated as well.

Pointing out that screening students is of high importance, Minister of Education added: Because of hidden diseases and physical problems, students ability to learn is weakened, while they are screened at the beginning of school but this process doesn’t continue and it is much better if a specialized hearing, sight and skeleton physiotherapy screening would be carried out throughout the entire school years.

Unfortunately, society is suffering from ignoring screening, while not families and not educational system do not pay enough attention to the screening, as they should, added he.

Admiring the health system of Khorasan Razavi province, Danesh Ashtiani reminded: Health care of teachers is much more delicate and it must be included in their insurance coverage. Screening is also must be discussed and be included in an extra coverage.

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