More than 2 thousand works of filmmakers from 63 countries are at the 52nd Roshd Festival

The permanent secretariat of Roshd International Festival of Scientific, Educational and Educational Films announced that more than two thousand and 275 films were sent to the secretariat of the fifty-second edition of this festival. According to the report of Public Relations and International Affairs of Educational Research and Planning Organization, according to the announcement of the Permanent Secretariat of Roshd International Festival of Scientific, Educational Films, two thousand and 275 works have been sent to the Festival Secretariat until November 6th, while among these works, 346 works are from Iranian filmmakers and 1,929 works from other countries. According to this report, these works have been sent and uploaded to the secretariat of the festival from different filmmakers of Iran and 63 other countries. Masoud Jahanshahi, the deputy secretary of the 52nd Rushd Film Festival, while confirming the number of submitted films, pointed out the remarkable reception of the filmmakers for this period of the Roshd Festival and said: "The Roshd Film Festival, which is in its 52nd edition this year, is a well-established festival and is well known to most of the filmmakers from all over the world who are active in the field of scientific and educational films." He added: "In this course, special attention is paid to the films with a purposeful and practical educational design, with creative and effective expression to support the education system and the national curriculum." The closing ceremony of the 52nd edition of Roshd International Scientific, Educational and Educational Film Festival will be held from November 28th to December 4th at the Palestinian Cinema Cultural Complex. Those interested in participating in this festival can send their works to the secretariat of the festival until November 10th. News and events related to this festival will be announced on our website at

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