National Educational Plan” as subsystem of “Reform Document” is a guideline for compilation of textbooks

According to the Public Relations of Organization for Educational Research and Planning, Hojjat-ol Islam Dr. Moheyeddin Bahram Mohammadian said in the first convention of “Medical Geology and Mineral Therapy” held in Arak: National educational plan is the first subsystem of “Reform Document” and it is also guideline for compilation of textbooks and its ultimate objective is achieving some degrees of “Pure Life”, through concentrating on qualities which separates man from other creatures.

He added: This plan includes; educational program, educational and pedagogical spaces, teaching methods, teachers’ training and ….

There are many common qualities between man, plants and animals, what separates man from other creatures is his “Nature”. For example, need for water, air and food are common in all creatures but things like curiosity or perfectionism are characteristics of mankind and mankind alone.

Head of OERP continued: National educational plan tries to flourish human nature. We epitomize it in 5 elements of Thinking, Fait, Knowledge, Action and Morality and in 4 connection fields; connection with God, people, creation, and oneself. These are crystalized in 11 learning territory, including Thinking and Wisdom, Qur’an and Islamic Knowledge, Foreign Farsi Language and Literature, Social Studies, Mathematics, Natural Science, Health and Physical Training, Culture and Art, Job and Technology, Life Skills and Manners and Family, Foreign Language.

Referring to the idea that relates all events in universe to the nature and therefore considers coincidence the reason for all happenings, he said: Wisdom and religion don’t accept this. How can we accept that all these mineral with therapeutic abilities are created just coincidentally? Inspired by Qur’an, we have tried to introduce God as objective purpose and ultimate purpose in textbooks.

There had been nobles in Iran like Avicenna, Khajeh Nasireddin Tousi and Abourayhan Birooni who know minerals’ therapeutic abilities and actually used them in treatment.

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