The need to include the "Thought" lesson into the curriculum

Dr. Mohammadian at the conference on new ways of protecting the environment said: “Our goal in education is to teach students how to lead a sacred or pure and decent life, which is vital to the Islamic principles lifestyle. By reaching that, we can achieve the blooming of human existential nature.”


He added that the education system should be able to put today's generation in a position to choose such life. Nature is part of creation. When we talk about nature, most people imagine a set without consciousness, which is not right. If we learn the language of nature, nature can speak to us. We should be able to establish this relationship. We must teach students how to learn about the existence. And that is the task of Education System as an organization where students are trained in it. My colleagues are teaching the relevant lessons in physics, chemistry, biology and geography. But with regarding to threats to the environment, we had to add the topic of “human and environment” to the curriculum. Paying attention to the issue of water, soil, air, renewable energy, waste recycling, etc., is actually reserving our national capital.


He added: “Of course, we need to keep in mind that the emergence of new topics can always turn into a place of abuse. So we must be careful not to provide the opportunity for matters ​​that are inappropriate to national and religious values. We must maintain our religious, national and revolutionary identity.” He argued that capital should not be spent on everyday life, but rather, it should be used to improve life. Life should be built on achievements. The person who sells his oil is the one who sits at home and sells his father's inheritance daily and continues to live.

Referring to some environmental problems in Khuzestan, he said: “We have been fighting against the enemy for eight years in Khuzestan, so that nothing of such problems happens. We are responsible for the future generation, so we should take care of our land. We can not say that we did not allow the enemy to enter Khuzestan during war, while we ourselves destroy the soil, fields, monuments and rivers in our Khuzestan.”

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