The new Secretary of the 52nd Roshd International Film Festival was appointed

In a statement, the Deputy Minister and Head of the Educational Research and Planning Organization appointed Sadegh Yazdani as the secretary of the 52nd Roshd International Film Festival.

According to the report of Public Relations and International Affairs of the Educational Research and Planning Organization, Hojjatol-Islam Dr. Ali Latifi; Appointed Sadegh Yazdani as the secretary of the 52nd Roshd International Film Festival.

Quantitative and qualitative improvement of the festival and the educational-artistic effectiveness of Roshd Film Festival in accordance with the Educational Transformation Documents, especially the national curriculum, through purposeful and synergistic interaction with the relevant departments and organizations in the Ministry of Education, attracting maximum participation of other agencies using the expertise of the experts in the field of art and media and the prominent artists of the country were emphases of the head of the organization in appointment of the secretary of the 52nd Roshd Film Festival.

Sadegh Yazdani holds a master's degree in journalism from the University of Radio and Television of Iran. In his record of cultural and artistic activities, he is been the Deputy Director of Networking and Operations of Khatam Al-Awsiya Cultural Foundation, producer and announcer of radio and television programs, managing director and editor of Halq-e-Vasl biweekly Magazine, member of Ammar Film Festival selection committee and other experiences in the field of media and Cultural activities.

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