New Windows 10 Stats Show Microsoft Closely Watching You

According to Mehdi, Windows 10 adoption is tracking nearly 140% faster than Windows 7 and nearly 4x faster than Windows 8. The post also makes reference to some specific application and usage information, however, and the specificity of the disclosures has made some tech publications uneasy.

Specifically, Mehdi states:

Over 44.5 billion minutes spent in Microsoft Edge across Windows 10 devices in just the last month.
Over 2.5 billion questions asked of Cortana since launch.
Around 30% more Bing search queries per Windows 10 device versus prior versions of Windows.
Over 82 billion photos viewed within the Windows 10 Photo app.
Gaming continues to grow on Windows 10 – in 2015, gamers spent over 4 billion hours playing PC games on Windows 10. Gamers have streamed more than 6.6 million hours of Xbox One games to Windows 10 PCs.

It’s easy to see why this bothers some people. It’s not just that Microsoft is monitoring how many people have installed its new operating system. It’s also tracking how much people use Edge (or, presumably, other browsers), how often they use Cortana, when they game, and which installed applications they run. It also knows if you stream a title from your Xbox One to your PC, though the data actually suggests this is a fairly niche feature, given the Xbox One’s install base.

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