Practice Books Make Students' Minds less Active

According  to  the  OERP  Public and  International  Relations, Dr  Mohyeddin Bahram  Mohammadian  answered  reporters  in  a  news  conference  on Sunday, March  the 1st. He  suggested  that  suitable  questions  lead  to  active minds  and  creativity. He  criticized  practice  books  that  easily  provide answers  of  questions and  tests  and  claimed  that  such  books  promote  rote  learning  and  result in laziness  of  students' minds.

He  added, "we  design  subject  content  appropriate  to  the  future  needs and  we  require  a bounce  for  this purpose. We  already  have  a  learning domain  called  "thinking  and  wisdom", however,  practice  books shut  down thinking.

The  Deputy  Minister  of  Education  for  Research pointed out, "we  are  not against  technology  but  we  must  build  up  the  culture  of  correctly  using technology  among  students. We  do  not  need  to  offer  everything  in  textbooks  but  the  basics  should  be  there  and  the  rest will  be on families and  students. Of  course  I  admit  that  one  of  our problems  is  that  our education  is  general  and  we  have  been  concentrating  on  the  common characteristics, however,  special  attention  should  be  paid  to  individual differences  in  a  modern  education."

Dr  Mohammadian  continued, "extra-curricular  activities  have  been  designed  to  provide  an  opportunity  to  fulfil  students'  interests. They should  be  so  diverse  that  every  student  can  choose  from  according  to his/her  interests. One  hundred  hours  of  extra-curricular  activities have been  afforded  in  the  National Curriculum, half  of  which  are  planned  at  the  OERP  and  the  other  half  at  the regional  education  departments. We have  tried  to  fulfill  the  interests  of  students. This could be  tracked, for instance  in  Farsi  textbooks  in  which  there  are  three  or  four  open  lessons whose  contents  are  prepared  jointly  by  teachers  and  students."


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