Preceding the 37th anniversary of Islamic Revolutions Victory Day;

President, accompanied with the members of the cabinet, visited the tomb of Imam Khomeini (RA) and the graveyard of martyrs early on Sunday to recite their pledge on lofty ideals of the Late Imam and martyrs of the Islamic Revolution and the Sacred Defence.

In this ceremony which was held at the presence of Sayid Hassan Khomeini, the trustee of the tomb of Imam Khomeini (RA), Dr Rouhani, his deputies, and the ministers laid down flowers on the Late Imam Khomeinis grave and prayed for him, reciting their pledge on his lofty ideals and following his path.

President and the cabinet members also visited the grave of martyrs of 7th of Tir and 8th of Shahrivar, martyrs Rajai, Bahonar, and Beheshti and also the graveyard of the martyrs of the government, the Islamic Revolution, and the Sacred Defence and paid tribute to them.

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