President at ceremony marking new academic year

Calling on all teachers to restore hope to students and vitality to schools, President Rouhani said: “We should learn moderation and temperance and know that violence and going from one extreme to the other destroys our lives both today and tomorrow”.

  • This year’s Mehr Question: Where does violence stem from? How some people learn violence and how can we resist against violence? How can we have country and society with Islamic and prophet’s mercy and how can we liberate our region and the world from violence?

At the ceremony that was held early on Saturday, Dr Rouhani said: “We should start hard work, endeavour, hope, wisdom and moderation from schools”.

“Although Mehr is the beginning of autumn, it is the spring of knowledge and thinking and therefore, this day is a very important day for students, teachers and professors and all those are helping for a better future for the country,” continued the President.

He added: “School is the greatest source for training the finest capitals of the country and you students should think about your future and your country’s future”.

Stressing that the government, family and the society should work together to achieve their goals, he said: “Everybody should join hands in making the best future for the country”.

Schools should be a place for science, knowledge and progress, said the President adding: “Schools should not be a place for illusions, superstitions and violence”.

Referring to violence as the major problem in the region and the world, he said: “While you dear students are beginning your academic year in a safe and secure environment, schools in our neighbouring countries such as Iraq, Syria and Yemen are destroyed, students killed and teachers lost teaching opportunities”.

“Violence doesn’t just mean war and terrorism, but rather means disrespecting each other, lack of morality and depriving the youth of education,” continued Rouhani.

He added: “we should find out where violence stems from? How some people learn violence and how can we resist against violence? How can we have country and society with Islamic and prophet’s mercy and how can we liberate our region and the world from violence?”

Speaking to students across the country, Dr Rouhani said: “I want you to have the atmosphere of questioning in the classroom. Let’s not fear asking questions because what leads us to progress, is asking the right question and receiving the right reply”.

He also said that the government is doing whatever it can to promote teachers’ welfare, adding: “The reason why the government could do something for increasing teachers’ welfare is that due to implementation of JCPOA, a part of our financial resources of the country are at government’s hands”


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