President condoles the sad demise of Ayatollah Va’ez Tabasi

  • His demise is a great loss to all religious schools and also to fellow citizens

He described late Va’ez Tabasi as an old friend of late Imam Khomeini (RA) and one of the pioneers of the Islamic Revolution.

Dr Hassan Rouhani's message of condolence reads as follows:

In the Name Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

"We all belong to Allah, and to Him we shall return"

The sad demise of late Ayatollah Sheiykh Abbas Va’ez Tabasi, the old friend of late Imam Khomeini, the great Leader of the Islamic Revolution and one of the pioneers of the Revolution is a big loss and a source of grievance.

He was one of the flag bearers of the then Islamic Movement before Revolution along with Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei and the martyr Hasheminejad in Khorasan province.

Late Va’ez Tabasi, also after the triumph of the Revolution continued his struggles with strength to defend the values of the Revolution and the Islamic establishment despite some terrorist threats and losing some friends in the way of defending the revolution.

His remarkable record of struggle, teaching the pure values of the religion of the prophet Mohammad (PBUH), taking political responsibilities, especially the custodian of Astane Quds Razavi and serving the pilgrims of the Shrine of Imam Reza (SA) until the last moments his life, were all source of some everlasting services.

Hereby I express my condolence to the Leader of Islamic Revolution, the Country’s religious scholars and students, Astane Qods Razavi, the respected and religious people of the great Khorasan, his dear offspring, the respected family of the deceased for the big loss and ask Almighty Allah his proximity to Imam Reza (SA), abundant mercy for his soul, and patience for his family.

Hassan Rouhani

President of Islamic Republic of Iran

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