Qur’an must be taught, combined with other subjects in all teaching-learning territories

According to the Public Relations of the Ministry of Education, considering practicality of Qur’an in all aspects of life, its blessing Hojjat-ol Islam Bahram Mohammadian said: More than anything else, Qur’an is instructions for life and so it must be learned and practiced.

Head of EORP insisted on using Qur’an as foundation of planning for living and added: Planning based on Qur’an, brings brighter results in managing society.

We believe Qur’an is excluded in our country, for it is not the base for strategic plans of our political and economic systems. Stressing that, Qur’an experts should try to make it more apprehensible for everyone, Dr. Mohammadian said: God has sent Qur’an for us to study it, understand it and practice it in our lives and so, we must open our hearts to embrace it.

 We have an independent field in educational program called “Qur’an and Islamic Knowledge”; which shows importance of educating and understanding Qur’an. Since, Qur’an includes all aspects of life, it must be taught in all teaching-learning territories, combined with other subjects, continued Mohammadian.

Reminding that Qur’an’s territory must be expanded, he added: We must always have Qur’an with us and refer to it every day.

Remarking necessity of simple texts for understanding Qur’an for students, he concluded: We can take advantage of Qur’an massive potentials for educational programs and purposes; also, by proper use of electronic and computer tools, which is youth’s favorite, in this respect, big steps can be taken to familiarize students with Qur’an.

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