The school should be turned into a scholarly organization and our teachers and students should be researchers

Sayyid Mohammad Bathayi said at the ceremony of researchers: "I hope that in the week of research, we can see research-based planning on a day-to-day basis. School should also be considered as the main axis of research. The school should become researchers’ base, and our teachers and students must be researchers.”

He said: "We are 70 years away from the new methods of education. There are a lot of research papers in the scientific centers of the country, but they are not the link as bridge. People in the research centers should be the language of our conversation with the scholars. We must teach the children how to question and not to answer the question. If it is argued that homework assignments in general education should go in a way to strengthen their inquiring skills, then the research approaches should go the same way. Students must learn the skills of life in school. I said at a conference that the features of educational mediums with new approaches to education should be changed, for example, at some hours, they should sit together and learn conversations.”

He said: "We have always been proud of our many Olympians and elites, but many other countries with fewer medals have less social harms. We are proud that our educational background is religious teachings, but unfortunately, today we have put those teachings aside. I hope that by next year, the Education Research Division will report that the school has gone a step further as a school for investigators.”

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