Science and Tech University of Tehran ranks No. 1, Times of London

Barkhordari told a press conference that The Times' ranking is based on the number of references made in the world scientific centers to the scientific research articles published by each university.
'The Islamic Republic of Iran has throughout the past ten years showed noticeable growth in number of scientific articles published in international science magazines. The Scientific Times, a subsidiary of the British daily the Times, has published annual lists based on the performance of the world universities from 2004 to 2015 in cooperation with the Quacquarelli Symonds Institute about 200 top world universities, titled the World University Ranking,' he said.
In the new ranking of the Time- Quacquarelli Symonds Institute 13 indexes have been involved in five academic, researches, transfer of scientific knowledge (reference made to scientific articles), industrial income, and international prestige fields.
On the status of the Iranian universities in post-sanctions era, Barkhordari said: Unfortunately, we did not have good conditions in pre-sanctions era, either, since we had got used to being idle in the scientific field. We used to import our technological demands relying on oil money from abroad and paid little attention to making indigenous the required technologies.
'The sanctions were blessings in that respect, as we learned to rely on our own capabilities and to become more active in the technological and research fields.'

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