A strong Iran is inconceivable without strong education

Emphasizing that a strong Iran is inconceivable without a principled education and promotion of education, the President said: "What is spent in the field of education is investment to ensure the future development and progress of the country."

According to the Public Relations and International Affairs of the Educational Research and Planning Organization, quoting the government's information base, Ayatollah Seyyed Ibrahim Ra'isi stressed the need for practical support for educators in a sympathetic meeting with a group of educators and activists in the field of education on Monday night. He added: "The government is determined to pay attention to all aspects of the law on teacher ranking in order to promote the dignity of cultural staff and thus take steps to improve the quality of education in the country."

The President added: "Unfortunately, in terms of ranking teachers, only the financial sector has been highlighted, but various other aspects that can improve the position of educators in society have been neglected, which is a kind of oppression against this educated class."
Dr. Ra'isi called the implementation of the Document on the Transformation of Education a necessity and said: "This document is one of the upstream documents and the government will definitely follow and implement it as the most important document."
The President also stressed the need to follow the status of the Cultural Reserve Fund, and said: "Following the status of this fund is one of the most important concerns of cultural staff and it is necessary that the relevant officials take serious action in this regard and take steps to address the concerns of teachers."
Ayatollah Ra'isi also criticized the existence of numerous and scattered systems in the field of education and stressed the need to regulate these systems, and called on the Minister of Education to start this action as soon as possible to organize this field.
The President praised the efforts and compassionate efforts of our country's teachers in the Corona era who did not leave the field of education to students, said: "Dear teachers in the Corona era really tried with creativity and initiative to educate our children by all means."
In another part of his speech, Dr. Raisi considered the issues raised regarding the optimal use of school space in order to improve education and said: "It is necessary to try to have a better and appropriate use of existing capacities and facilities to increase productivity."
Ayatollah Ra'isi further pointed out the importance of attracting efficient, young and revolutionary human resources to the body of education and reminded the important position of Farhangian University in this field, and said: "Today, this university should be committed and specialized in both educational infrastructure and human resources."
Regarding the remarks of one of the participants about the transformation of the Higher Education Council, the President said: "While respecting all the veterans and those who have worked in the field of education, today it is necessary that the Higher Education Council as a think tank room produces ideas and ​​creative educational transformation in the in the field of Education in the country."
Dr. Raisi added: "There are many competent and committed forces in different parts of the country that can be the source of change in various fields and it is necessary to use this capacity."
Referring to one of the teachers' remarks about a fair salary system, the President said: "The government believes that justice should be done in all areas, and that justice is needed in recruitment, justice in employment, justice in promotion and Justice should be considered in the simultaneous payment of salaries."
Ayatollah Ra'isi, emphasizing on creating a competitive environment to attract people to education, added: "In order to attract people committed to education, a platform must be provided to attract the best in fair competition, because this field has a special place and it is necessary to have people active in this field and have a humanizing and educational view. Just as God has sent His best people to educate human beings."
In this meeting, 16 educators and activists in the field of education in the country in their speeches expressed their views and suggestions to strengthen and improve education and solve the problems of educators.
Increasing the per capita educational space in deprived areas, supporting teachers working in deprived areas, strengthening the research assistant, creating a culture of recycling waste paper and reusing them, improving the quality of Quran teachers' educational programs, improving Quran teaching methods in schools, preparing and completing workshop equipments in vocational schools, attention to appointments in the field of education, dealing with the textbook mafia, solving the problems and challenges of nomadic education, improving the quality of public schools and unifying schools across the country, paying attention to the transportation system of exceptional students, paying attention to teachers' rights, emphasizing educational justice, solving the problems of Farhangian University, using jihadi and revolutionary managers in the field of education, innovation in the Higher Education Council, implementing the comprehensive law on veterans and regulating the existing systems in education were the topics of the speakers' speeches in this meeting.

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