The unveiling of books named after Martyr Hojaji

At the thirteenth conferral of the celebration of the authors and creators of materials and educational media and memorial of Martyr Mohsen Hojaji, who was attended by Minister of Education Sayyid Mohammad Bathayi, some books were unveiled in the name of the martyr Hojaji and stamps of the authors of the textbooks.

In a call by the Organization for Research and Educational Planning on the topic of the memory of Martyr Mohsen Hojaji, those interested sent their works to the secretariat in various fields of poetry, story, painting, article, etc. to the conference. In this event 33 works of students, teachers and academics were selected and honored in the memory of the Martyr Hojaji.

At the ceremony, the Minister of Education, the head of the Institute for the Defense of the Holy Defense, the Secretary General of the High Council for Education and the head of the Organization for Research and Educational Planning were present.

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