October 2016

Muharram & Karbala

Muharram & Karbala

Imam Husayn (A.S.), The Grandson of the Holy Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.),the Doyen of the Martyrs, the Chief of the Youth of Paradise, the second son of Imam Ali(A.S.) and Hadrat Fatimah Zahra (A.S.), the third Holy Imam of the Shi’ites was martyred along with his 72 faithful followers on Tenth of Muharram(Ashura),61 Hijrah in Karbala (Iraq) and saved Islam from complete destruction by his great sacrifice.


MUHARRAM SERIES – The regime of Mu’awiyah


With the holy month of Muharram upon us, millions of Muslims across the world will reflect upon those events which led to the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, and shook Islam at its very core. Rather than inspire passions and reignite disputes, Shafaqna will attempt to base its arguments in history, and thus offer perspective to a debate which has sadly darkened our community, pitting brothers against brothers in the name of righteousness.

Positive and negative impact of TV on kids

tv & children

Television has now become an important part of our daily lives and if you are a kid, it’s going to be very hard for you to stop watching it. TV has many advantages and many parents also use TV as a substitute baby sitter to keep their loved ones busy watching their favorite cartoons or TV shows. A common question arises in minds of many people and that is what positive and negative impact of TV has and how watching TV affects your child.

Social Psychology: Self Discovery

Self Discovery

Self knowledge is a very important aspect in human life. It is the ability of an individual to know his or her mental state, his or her likes, dislikes desires and even beliefs. It is also said to have something to do with the knowledge of one’s character, identity and thoughts. On the other hand, self regulation also known as self control is the ability of an individual to control or regulate his or her behavioral ways, desires and emotions so as to achieve a reward. Both of these aspects work hand in hand.