June 2017

Omar Khayyam

Omar Khayyam : A Persian Mathematician, Philosopher, Poet, Astronomer

Khayyam (1048 – 1131) was a Persian poet, mathematician, astronomer and philosopher. His contribution to science is considered to be much ahead of its time. However what made his name eternal, are his poems.

'Imam Ali (a.s.) said he chose politics and piety together'

'Imam Ali (a.s.)

If one's politics originate from morality and feed from spirituality, then it will be a tool for the people who are faced with it, to achieve perfection and paradise. But if politics become separate from morality and spirituality, then it will be demagoguery. It will be a tool for gaining power at any price, for accumulating wealth and for furthering one's own interests. This kind of politics is like a pest. It is a pest for both the politician himself and for the people who are faced with this kind of politics in their everyday life.