
Educational spaces should be designed according to “educational purposes

According to the Public Relations of Ministry of Education, Fakhreddin Danesh Ashtiani said in 7th “Iranian School-Iranian Architecture” national convention which was held at Alameh Amini hall of Tehran University: Ministry of Education’s directors should pay attention to “quality improvement” when executing the contents of “Reform Statement”.

Using technology is necessary but we should not be petrified by it

According to the FARS education group, referring to the importance of technology in education, Hojjat-ol Islam Moheyeddin Bahram Mohammadian said in 6th ICDL annual convention: What makes us to pay attention to new technologies and media literacy is our needs; we must train our children for their future. If educational system doesn’t recognize tomorrow’s requirements, it will become an obsolete system.

Achieving levels of “Pure Life” is possible through flourish of the human’s nature

Achieving levels of “Pure Life” is possible through flourishing human’s nature by using 5 elements of thinking, faith, knowledge and morality in 4 fields of one’s relation with himself, God, people and creation in 11 learning extents.