
Teaching Concepts of Sustainable Development to Students

According  to  the  OERP  Public  and  International  Relations, deputy  director general  of  Bureau  of  Compiling  Primary  and  Theoretical  Secondary Textbooks, Yadollah  Rahbarinejhad  delivered  a  report  on  the  activities  of the  OERP  in  respect  of  sustainable  development  in  a  meeting  attended  by representatives  of  public  and  private  organizations  at  the  ministerial  bureau

Reference to the Educational System Necessitates Futuristic and Strategic Studies

Based on the report of the OERP Public and International Relations, Dr Mohammadian, Deputy Minister of Education and the Head of the OERP, emphasizing the need for an active approach and a critical vision, considered adaptation of rewarding research findings of other educational systems as an important measure towards consciously utilizing human knowledge and similar research institutions experiences.

A Society Familiar with the Cultures of Self-sacrificing and Martyrdom Never Stops nor Does Turn Back

According to the Ministry of Education PR and Information Center, the Supreme leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei in a meeting called the effective presence of the elite in the Sacred War a sign of promotion of motivation for "dedication for the sake of God and martyrdom" at all levels of society. Emphasizing the importance of celebrating martyrs and cherishing their memory, he said that martyrs' celebration ceremonies are in fact pursuing jihadi movement and martyrdom, and martyrs' memory and learning from them should continuously be promoted in the society.